Healthcare Technology Trends Blog Articles
How AI is Changing Healthcare: An Interview With RXNT’s CEO & Founder
RXNT’s CEO and Founder, Randy Boldyga, sat down with Karen Jagoda from the Empowered...
AMBA 2024: Recapping Our Time at the National Medical Billing & Coding Conference
AMBA’s 24th Annual National Medical Billing and Coding Conference brought together hundreds of healthcare...
How To Get Started With Telehealth: Everything Medical Practices Need to Know
The use of telehealth and virtual treatment is now 28 times greater than it...
How AI is Shaping The Next Generation of Virtual Care
Telehealth has quickly become a staple in today’s healthcare industry. The sudden increase is...
7 Ways Patient Portals Support Better Virtual Care
In 2023, 44% of surveyed physicians reported using telemedicine on a weekly basis. However,...
How Virtual Care is Still Evolving in a Post-Pandemic Landscape
As the world continues to move beyond the height of the COVID-19 crisis, virtual...