Blog Category: Technology Trends


Healthcare Technology Trends Blog Articles

How to Build Patient Trust Through Digital Experiences

With 81% of patients preferring to use digital tools to manage their healthcare needs,...
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APA 2024 Recap: Key Takeaways and Trends

APA brings together psychology clinicians, researchers, students, and educators for over 900 sessions and...
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The Role of Technology in Creating Seamless Patient Journeys

Technology plays a massive difference in the patient experience today. Providers leveraging the data...
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The Growing Demand for Mobile Options in Patient Care

Over half (55%) of U.S. consumers say they would prefer to use a mobile...
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How to Scale Your Patient Engagement Through Automation

As physicians look for innovative ways to engage patients and continue growing their practices,...
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The Hidden Data Sinking Your Medical Practice’s Revenue Cycle

Without properly tracking and monitoring the right data—and creating a full picture of your...
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