HealthIT Policy & Regulatory Blog Articles
EPCS Bill Gets Industry Support
On August 9th, the Every Prescription Conveyed Securely Act was introduced into Congress. Support...
Navigating Acronyms
Acronym [ak-ruh-nim] noun: a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters...
Maine Up Next to Battle Opioid Abuse with EPCS
As opioid abuse grows in epidemic proportions, no state is immune to its tragic...
Top 30 Most Influential Entrepreneurs of 2017 – Randy Boldyga
RXNT's Founder, President, and CEO, Randy Boldyga has been selected for the cover and...
Electronic Prescribing: Could ePrescribing Help End the Opioid Addiction Crisis?
The discussion surrounding the opioid addiction crisis is widespread. According to the article, How...
10 Fastest Growing Healthcare Companies in 2017
The Silicon Review, a news source focused on leadership, business, technology and news, announced...