Patient Engagement Software Blog Articles
International Overdose Awareness Day – Aug. 31st
Twenty years ago, the opioid epidemic was something that not many dealt with on...
Navigating Acronyms
Acronym [ak-ruh-nim] noun: a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters...
Top 30 Most Influential Entrepreneurs of 2017 – Randy Boldyga
RXNT's Founder, President, and CEO, Randy Boldyga has been selected for the cover and...
10 Fastest Growing Healthcare Companies in 2017
The Silicon Review, a news source focused on leadership, business, technology and news, announced...
Electronic Health Records – Is Your EHR Right For You?
Healthcare technology is becoming widely adopted by Physicians across the country. In January 2016,...
3 Benefits of Automated Patient Appointment Reminders
Patient appointment reminders may not appear to be a vital component of a small...