E-Prescribing & EPCS Software Blog Articles
Convenience of Mobile e-Prescribing for Hospice
If you are a physician working in hospice care and do not utilize mobile...
Hospice PBM Connectivity at the Point of Prescribing
PBM Connectivity is a growing concern amongst healthcare technology vendors and customers. This concern...
Free E-prescribing Software: What They’re Not Telling You
Electronic prescribing software is intended to improve patient care and safety, and save practice’s...
E-Prescribing of Controlled Substances is Legal in All 50 States
All too often, physicians respond with disbelief when told for the first time that...
Addressing Hospices’ Biggest Challenge
One of the biggest challenges for Hospice staff is transmitting a prescription to the...
5 Ways Value-Based Payment Model Impacts the Healthcare Industry
The impacts of value-based reimbursement are plentiful in the healthcare industry as a result...