Clinical EHR & EMR Software Blog Articles
Electronic Health Records – The Three Most Hated Words
Electronic Health Records (EHR) have gained a negative reputation for many in the medical...
Electronic Health Records – Is Your EHR Right For You?
Healthcare technology is becoming widely adopted by Physicians across the country. In January 2016,...
MACRA Final Rule
CMS has recently released MACRA’s final rule for the newest Quality Payment Program, which...
Maine, Get Your E-Prescriber Ready!
Get your e-Prescribing solution ready because beginning in July of 2017 the state of...
Top 3 EMR Challenges Faced By Physicians
The top 3 EMR challenges Physicians are facing as they adopt a new technology...
RXNT & IMO: ePrescribing and ICD-10 Coding Webinar
Join RXNT and IMO on September 14th at 12:00 PM EST as they host...