Jun 2, 2016

Meaningful Use Making it’s Paperless Debut

Alanna Diffendal   |   Updated September 26   |  Reading time: 2 minutes

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Meaningful Use has certainly stirred up the healthcare industry and is igniting a flame to push physicians to utilize electronic records, which Creating the Paperless Physician Office drove home. With advancements in technology and physicians trying to keep up with new government regulations, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What is that light you may ask? Your practice being completely paperless. No need for unorganized file cabinets or searching through years of files for patient history, but rather having all the information in a searchable database right from your computer, tablet, or even smartphone.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Practice Management (PM) solutions are making this idea a reality for many medical practices across the U.S. From optometrists to dentist, many physicians are seeing an improvement in patient care. Wendy Gerner of DermaScan believes, “[f]rom a practice management standpoint, accessing any patient demographic info is simple [and] submitting claims is quick and flexible.” She also describes how sending electronic prescriptions is relatively straightforward and more organized than traditional paper methods.

The organizational benefits of going paperless for practices is extremely appealing, but what is an even more important selling point is the fact that in the long run, electronic solutions may very well pay for themselves. Many solutions on the market, such as RXNT|PM, offer many features that assist billers and physicians to provide accurate codes and drill down technology to ensure practices are receiving the maximum reimbursement for a claim.

A number of physicians offer a few tips to keep in mind during the paperless journey. Dr. Roberts of San Francisco recommends, “creating ‘smart phases’ and templates for your notes and common prescriptions” to keep your practice moving while implementing new solutions. Other physicians offer additional advice to have small goals to reach. Going paperless doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

RXNT offers fully integrated EHR, PM and E-Prescribing (eRx) solutions to help practices go paperless. From entering patient’s medical records, to writing prescriptions and submitting claims, RXNT’s solutions can help you. We understand the change can be stressful which is why we want to ensure our clients the most successful transition with comprehensive training and ongoing support for no additional cost.

For more information please call us at 1-800-943-7968 Option 3 or email us at sa[email protected].

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