Medical Billing
MIPS or APMs? Do You Know Which You Need?
By: Alanna Diffendal. July 12, 2016 The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative...
The US Justice Department Announces Largest Takedown of Fraudulent Medical Billing
By: Elizabeth Smith. June 23, 2016 Story Highlight: 301 individuals are charged with approximately...
Meaningful Use… Next Stop!
If you’re not on board with Meaningful Use, now is the time. On April...
Superbills and Fee Tickets—We’ve Come a Long Way! Have You?
Sometimes people cringe at the mere thought of change, especially when it comes to...
FHIR Set to Change Healthcare’s Future
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a phrase flooding the healthcare IT world. The...
Getting Up to Code: 5 Takeaways from the AMA 2023 E/M Code Set Changes
Just two years after releasing the first major overhaul of the Current Procedural Technology...
[Update] Healthcare Technology: The Financial Impact in 2019
As the importance of healthcare technology utilization continues to gain momentum, ambulatory practices are...
Patients Want Online Patient Bill Pay. Is Your Healthcare Practice Leaving Money Behind?
Despite the widespread adoption of online bill pay, the healthcare industry hasn’t quite caught...
Meaningful Use…It Ain’t Over ‘Till It’s Over!
Don’t pack away your blood pressure cuffs just yet! In a tweet heard around...
Medical Billing & Coding Mistakes to Avoid, and Tips To Get Paid Faster
Specificity is key to successful billing departments. While the complexity of medical coding and...